Money laundering can deeply impact a company’s reputation. It is an activity used by individuals or criminal gangs to hide the origin of their income. Therefore, around the world, various policies have been implemented to deal with this situation and avoid criminal financing.
In this article, we will show what the UAE government is doing to prevent money laundering. There are measures that entrepreneurs must follow to verify their capital and take care of their reputation. Investors and entrepreneurs must comply with these legal obligations to ensure that their funds have legitimate origins.
1. What is money laundering?
2. Stages of money laundering
3. Money laundering in International Law
4. How does the UAE prevent this crime? Learn about the Anti-Money Laundering (AML)
5. Are there other special measures in the UAE against this crime?
6. Company prestige and money laundering
7. How can I comply with the Anti-Money Laundering Law?